As of May 25, 2018, the regulation of personal data is changing with the entry into force of the General Regulation on Data Protection (RGDP), which strengthens your rights in this area. As such, by the notice below, we inform you of the protection of personal data that will apply to all contracts, products and services of Wigo Logistics.
As of May 25, 2018, the regulation of personal data is changing with the entry into force of the General Regulation on Data Protection (RGDP), which strengthens your rights in this area. As such, by the notice below, we inform you of the protection of personal data that will apply to all contracts, products and services of Wigo Logistics.
- A request for written agreement will be requested in the framework of exchange of data with other partners made mandatory to meet the needs of managing your file.
- The implementation of data protection software on all servers.
- Your data is archived during the term of the contract and kept for one year from the end date of the contract.
- On work servers, as well as backup servers.
- In no case the tools put in place to meet the specifications are destroyed, the data banks are cleared.
As a reminder, the tools developed are the exclusive property of Wigo Logistics.
The entire Wigo Logistics team is at your disposal to provide you with all the additional information you would like to obtain.
We thank you for your loyalty and please accept, ladies and gentlemen, the assurance of our highest consideration.